Penistone Liberal Democrats
Here to make sure we get a fair deal from Barnsley's Labour council.
The Penistone Lib Dem team is headed by Local Councillors Hannah Kitching, David Greenhough and Mandy Lowe Flello.
You can contact us about any local issues. We represent you and we are your voice in the Town Hall however you voted.
We are here to-
- Represent everyone in our community.
- Keep you informed all year round of what is happening in our area.
- Shine a light on the workings of the Labour controlled Town Hall, question their decisions and hold them to account.
We will be your strong independent voice in Barnsley Town Hall.

Hannah Kitching
Elected in 2018, Hannah was our first councillor and is the Leader of the Lib Dem group on Barnsley Council.

David Greenhough
David takes a special interest in the Police and Community meetings. cllrdavidgreenhough@barnsley.gov.uk

Mandy Lowe Flello
Elected in 2021 Mandy lives in Millhouse Green. As Tesco's Community Champion she works with our many community groups.
Can you help us? Come and join a winning team.
You will have seen how busy we are throughout the year and we intend to keep this up. Would you like to get involved?
Can you deliver a few newsletters, or help with admin or social media, then please get in touch with us
If you would like to help us but don't have the time then perhaps you can help our campaign fund instead.
Modern campaigning is expensive and we don't get any help from unions or big business.
Click here to go to an easy and safe way to help our campaign
Thank You
Hannah, David & Mandy